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Closed: Thank you for your proposals!





The Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS) was established in 2011 to provide opportunities of mutual learning to scholars and practitioners engaged in human security. This year’s annual conference will be held on campus, hosted by Kobe University under the theme of Reconceptualizing Human Security.


There is a growing momentum to reconsider human security (HS), from the practical demands arising from COVID-19 pandemic, the situations in Myanmar or Afghanistan, and the Russian invasion to Ukraine, which undermine international order and HS, as well as evidenced by the publication of a special report on HS, New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene: Demanding Greater Solidarity, by the UNDP in 2022, the release of Human Security Today: Revisiting Human Security by the JICA Ogata Research Institute, and the anticipated incorporation of HS principles into the revision of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) guidelines. Taking into account both practical and theoretical demands, the keynote speech, panel discussions, and presentations (oral and poster) aim to provide an opportunity to fundamentally discuss HS once again.


In this year's Annual Conference, in addition to the oral presentations, we are also inviting submissions for poster presentations. The outstanding poster presentation will be awarded the Best Poster Presentation Award, and thus we strongly encourage participants to apply to poster presentations. Although the working language of the annual conference is English, presentations in Japanese are also welcome for poster presentations. Undergraduate students are also eligible to participate in the poster presentations.


We encourage papers that address the conference theme. Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:


・Armed conflict and civilian protection

・Development and empowerment

・Global food crisis

・Health and well-being

・Shifting perceptions of (human) security

・Human security and dignity

・Theoretical and empirical studies on human security




Please send abstracts (250 words max.) with necessary information (your name, affiliation, current position, e-mail, the presentation title, and the keywords) to the following e-mail address by August 31st, 2023. Please use the Application Form that you can obtain from the Conference website.

Submit to: jahss.2023[at]

* change [at] to @


The Conference Organizing Committee will examine the submitted proposals. Due to the limited space for oral presentations, the Committee might ask some proposals to move to the poster presentations. Accepted papers (both oral and poster presentations) will be notified by September 17th.


Please note that prospective presenters need to be members of the JAHSS. In order to become a member, visit our website:


For Oral Presentations

The presenter need to submit the paper (approx. 4,000 words) or resume/extend abstracts (approx. 1,000 words) for commentators and panel chairs by November 12th.





The two-day conference will be held on December 2nd (Sat) and 3rd (Sun), 2023. The oral presentations (parallel sessions) will take place on the second day (Dec 3rd) starting at 10:00 AM. Poster sessions will be held on both days.



The conference will be held on Rokkodai 1st Campus at Kobe University, Hyogo.

Access to Kobe University:


Registration and other information:


You can register through the toppage "Registration Now". Please do not forget the registration to secure your seat in the program. The conference program will be released by the end of October.



Regular member: 1,000 yen/ Student member: Free / Non-member: 2,000 yen

Reception Party (on the first day): 5,000 yen


* JAHSS does not provide any financial assistance to the participants.



General inquiries about the conference should be directed to: jahss.2023[at]

* change [at] to @

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