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December 2, 2023

12:30 -13:30  Registration open and Poster Presentations  @ Room 120

Opening Remarks (13:30 -13:40)  @ Room 163


Yukie Osa (President of JAHSS, Rikkyo University)

Kaoru Kurusu (Chairperson, Conference Organizing Committee, Kobe University)

Keynote Speech (13:40 -14:40)   @ Room 163


Reformulating Human Security in a More-than-human World: Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition in the Anthropocene

Hiroyuki Tosa (Kobe University)

Plenary Session I (15:00 -17:00)   @ Room 163

"Reconceptualizing Human Security"

Aim of this Session:

There is a growing momentum to reconsider human security (HS), from the practical demands arising from COVID-19 pandemic, the situations in Myanmar or Afghanistan, and the Russian invasion to Ukraine, which undermine international order and HS, as well as evidenced by the publication of a special report on HS, New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene: Demanding Greater Solidarity, by the UNDP in 2022, the release of Human Security Today: Revisiting Human Security by the JICA Ogata Research Institute, and the anticipated incorporation of HS principles into the revision of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) guidelines. Taking into account both practical and theoretical demands, the keynote speech and panel discussions aim to provide an opportunity to fundamentally discuss HS once again.

Moderator: Vu Le Thao Chi (Keio University)


Koji Makino (Kyoto University: Development),

Miho Fukui (Peace Winds Japan: Humanitarian Aid),

Ryutaro Murotani (JICA: Peacebuilding), and

Hiroyuki Tosa (Kobe University)

17:00 -18:00  Poster Presentations  @ Room 120

General Assembly(総会) in Japanese (18:00-18:30)   @ Room 163 

Buffet Party (18:30-20:30)

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