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Poster Presentations @Room 120

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Best Poster Research Presentation Awards at the 2023 Annual Conference.


1st Prize

Reconceptualizing Human Security: A Deviant Perspective from the Jamaican Dancehall

Karl Wilkinson (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University)


2nd Prize

Empowered Youth: The Awareness against Sexual Violence in the Youth Community in Indonesia

Karina Utami Dewi, Rahmadini Tiara Putri, Muhammad Ferdian Allam, Dyah Anastasia Fadhilah Laliyo, Chusnul Salsabilla, and Muhammad Al Ghiffari Nursyasa Aufa (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


Judges: Kaoru Kurusu (Kobe University), Ako Muto (JICA), Masataka Nakauchi (Sophia University), and Taichi Uchio (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)




* Core time
   12:30-13:30 and 17:00-18:00 on December 2, 2023
   12:00-13:15 on December 3, 2023 

In this year's Annual Conference, in addition to the oral presentations, we are also inviting submissions for poster presentations. The outstanding poster presentation will be awarded the Best Poster Presentation Award. Although the working language of the annual conference is English, presentations in Japanese are also welcome for poster presentations. Undergraduate students are also eligible to participate in the poster presentations. Please come to the Poster session room and discuss their ambitious research with presenters!

Review of Vulnerability Factors Linking Climate Change and Conflict

Takato Nagano (Kyoto University)


Balancing National and Human Security Perspectives: A Comparative Analysis of Security Paradigms in the Ukraine War

You Xu (Waseda University)


Addressing Human Security Violations Through the Lens of the Uyghur Genocide

Nasywa Ramadhani Salsabila and Fatimah Amir (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


A Study of Attitudes towards Immigration in Japan

Yuko Okado-Gough (Aichi Shukutoku University)


Why are young people so obsessed with always-connected apps?

Yeji Yi, Yui Hasegawa, Haruto Ueyama, and Naoto Takeda (Kobe University)


Reconceptualizing Human Security: A Deviant Perspective from the Jamaican Dancehall

Karl Wilkinson (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University)


Safeguarding Humanity: Human Security Awareness for Protecting Civilians in Armed Conflict Areas

Dzatissa Adah, Ikma Nur Faizah, Najwa Ariani, Rifah Akmala Dina, and Ghina Anfasa (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


The Role of Local NGOs in Safeguarding Human Security: The Case of WALHI’s Rejection of JLS (Java Southern Highway) in Yogyakarta Province

Ayu Heryati Naqsabandiyah and Alfredha Shinta Putri (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


Child Soldier in South Sudan: Perspective from The Human Security and International Protection

Lu’ay Latifa and Reyga Tara (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


Discourse Analysis of Sustainable Development in Indonesia's Energy Transition 2015-2022

Masitoh Nur Rohma (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


The gap between domestic laws and local realities in dealing with child labor issues: A case study of the cocoa industry in Ghana

Momori Nakagawa (Kobe University)


Empowered Youth: The Awareness against Sexual Violence in the Youth Community in Indonesia

Karina Utami Dewi, Rahmadini Tiara Putri, Muhammad Ferdian Allam, Dyah Anastasia Fadhilah Laliyo, Chusnul Salsabilla, and Muhammad Al Ghiffari Nursyasa Aufa (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


Analyzing the Political Factors Affecting Human Rights of Contemporary Chinese Lesbian Community from the Perspective of Queer Feminism: A Case Study of the “The Feminist Five” Incident

Jifan Lu (Waseda University)

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