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December 3, 2023

Parallel Presentations

Parallel Presentations I (13:15-14:45)

Session 1  "Human Security of Migrants in Japan" @Room 101


Human security of refugees and asylum seekers

Yingjiao Zhu (Kyoto University) and Sohrab Ahamadian (Tsukuba University)

Human security of technical trainees

Yusy Widaharesty (Ritsumeikan University)

Human security of international students

David Green (Nagoya University) and Eriko Tomita (independent researcher)


Chair: David Green (Nagoya University)

Discussant: Polina Ivanova (Ritsumeikan University)


Session 2  "Human Security Approach from the Critical Perspectives" @Room 102


Historical Changes in Human Security Approach to Minamata Disease: Impediments, Catalysts, and Impacts

Hazuki Sasaki (Kanazawa University), Juichiro Tanabe (Waseda University), and Hari Devkota (Kumamoto University)

Deconstructing Binary Human Security: A Postcolonial Analysis of Policies and the Meta-Theory of Human Security

Andrei Yamamoto (Ryukoku University)

Voice of Global South: Lessons the World can Learn from the NATO's Intervention in Kosovo and Libya

Desale T. Abraha (Waseda University)


Chair: Hazuki Sasaki (Kanazawa University)
Discussant: Yusuke Dan


Session 3  "Domestic Politics on Human Security Issues" @Room 104


Human security as a guide for development planning: the case of the Colombian National Development Plan 2022-2026

Oscar A. Gomez (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)

Total Household Food Group Consumption Prior to, During, and After The COVID-19 Pandemic in Pangkajene Islands of Indonesia

Khaeriyah Darwis (University of Hasanuddin)

Japan’s Move Toward the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriages: Civil Society Activist Endeavors in Japan

Murat Can Cicek (Soka University)


Chair: Oscar A. Gomez (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)

Discussant: Masataka Nakauchi (Sophia University)

Parallel Presentations II (15:00-16:30)

Session 4  "Refugees and Migrants" @Room 101


The Role of Civil Society in the Development Process of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Xuanjin Guo (Kobe University)

Non-Traditional Security in Humanitarian Settings: Insights from Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh

Muhammad Ala Uddin (University of Chittagong) and Gyo Miyahara (Osaka University)

Human Security and Higher Education for Refugees

Fumiko Tsutaki (Soka University)


Chair: Peter John Wanner (Tohoku University)

Discussant: Yukie Osa (Rikkyo University)


Session 5  "Human Security and Peacekeeping" @Room 102


Adaptive Peacebuilding and function of cities

Ako Muto (JICA)

Autocratization and Peacebuilding in Mozambique (2012-2019): Towards an Illiberal Peace?

Manuel Francisco Sambo (Doshisha University)


Chair: Satoshi Sasaki (Soka University)

Discussant: Kaoru Kurusu (Kobe University)


Session 6  "Contemporary Issues of Human Security" @Room 104


The Thrive of Chinese Transnational Organized Crimes in Southeast Asia under OBORization and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tzu Wei (Bryan) Luk (Society of Asia Pacific Focus)

The Reassessment of Lyuh Woon hyung in democratized South Korea: Text-mining Analysis of South Korean Newspapers since the 1990s

Minoru Koide (Soka University)

Challenges of CSR in Africa: assessing the practice under the voluntary and mandatory provisions

Achille Gildas Ndong Ntoutoume (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)  * Withdrawal


Chair: Go Shimada (Meiji University)

Discussant: Yuichi Sekiya (The University of Tokyo)

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